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// VIRTUAL 2021 //
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Mantente informado!
HEUFT siempre le mantiene al día con noticias e informes actuales.
A deep look empowered to judge!
Line analysis made easy!
A full programme for HEUFT at the 2025 spring trade fairs!
More performance when inspecting empty cans
Trade fair highlights in autumn and winter
Deepening detection reliabilty
Prospective experts
Sustainability through AI
Expertise from experience
Intelligent and responsible
Ten trade fair appearances in ten weeks!
Deep detecting at Anuga FoodTec!
HEUFT highlights in the exhibition spring
Full food safety at Andina Pack 2023
Food safety and brand protection at Cibus Tec
The "new ones" are there: sound vocational training at HEUFT and SIMACO!
Agile, dynamic and persevering
HEUFT exhibits: From packaging integrity to drug safety
The future of intelligent foreign object detection!
Review: Enlightening insights at interpack!
Bye bye basic, there’s a new ONE!
The latest HEUFT technologies at FISPAL Tecnologia 2023
ProPak Asia 2023: From fill level check to line analysis
New perspectives at ExpoPack Guadalajara
Dzajagro 2023: Safely packaged foodstuffs
Reuse? For sure!
interpack: Hot topics at HEUFT!
interpack: Enlightening insights into intelligent image evaluation
interpack: Illuminating the intelligent X-ray flash technology
interpack: Track. Trace. Protect.
CBST: From the empty can inspection to the full container check
First inspect, than pack!
From foreign body detection to closure inspection
Professional training at HEUFT? Very good!
Packaging safety for all!
FACHPACK: Simply seeing everything!
Monitoring & tracking: more precise is better!
Trade fair summer, trade fair fall: Back to the future!
Upright rejection at top speed
Anuga FoodTec exhibition review: "Absolutely amazing!”
More detection reliability and failure safety during foreign body inspection
Remote support almost like being on site!
Line optimisation, part 3: Efficiently controlled container transport
Trade fair spring, trade fair summer: HEUFT will be present again!
More reliability in the X-ray based detection of foreign bodies
All-in-one solution for an unrestricted can inspection
Track & trace at Upakovka!
From the blister to the canister!
Inspección de envases con ACL: ¡Cobertura total!
Target Zero: Down with the false rejection rate!
Available? With certainty!
State-of-the-art image processing with artificial intelligence
"Best trainees" at HEUFT!
Line optimisation, Part 1: The alternative to the rejection table!
Award-winning artificial intelligence
New tasks for the HEUFT
Irradiating organic products?
X-ray technology – Part 8: implementation without bureaucratic hurdles
More than a billion flashes
This is how customizing works!
App available now: remote service with live pictures!
Future-proof remote maintenance: stay connected!
HEUFT X-ray technology – part 7: Secure validation
Certainly the trend!
HEUFT VIRTUAL 2020: exhibition visit with full safety distance!
Precise shoulder view when inspecting empty cans
Always close at hand: the remote service provided by HEUFT
Foreign object inspection: ProPak Philippines – debut of new turnkey solution
Upakovka: safely packaged full containers!
LBMTD-Meetup: More and more possibilities
Playful instinct and inventive genius
More pulsed X-ray power at FachPack!
Further developed full container check in India
Envase 2019: finding everything at once!
HEUFT X-ray technology – Part 6: exactly the right choice?
Just the right skills!
An oblique but clear view
Sustainable development
ProPak Asia: off to the number one!
Simply different, simply better!
Full pipe to close the gap!
Striving forwards for 40 years
Slim alternative
Operational reliability can be trained!
Why X-ray empty bottles?
Full detection reliability at UPAKOVKA
Around one table – from one source
Exhibition debut with HEUFT
Genuine practical knowledge for safe food
Closure inspection of the new generation
¡Inversión que merece la pena!
¿Doce? ¿Quince? !Veintiuno¡
Detectar riesgos antes de que suceda
Tecnología HEUFT por Rayos-X: Muestra de precisión
Top priority to product quality
Anuga Foodtec 2018: visitors were enthusiastic about innovative X-ray solution
No sólo detecta metal!
La seguridad preserva una alta productividad
Realmente práctico!
Finding in time instead of recalling afterwards!
X-ray revolution at FachPack
Incrustaciones eliminadas!
Simplemente excelente!
Simply more possibilities!
A prueba de falsificaciones!
Inspección all-around con teach-in individual
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